Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Copper and silver combined

All I can say is I had a fantastic time teaching at MCSJ.
It is a great venue and the hostess was very generous by allowing me to stay in her home. Thnaks Lisa and I leant a few bits and bobs myself, Archery!  now who would have thought that I would be taught how to fire a bow and arrow Robin Hood style.
I was however a bit sore the next day.

But the best thing of all was seeing what my students made with the copper and silver clay.

Sharon made this sea side pendent and a script brooch

Sandra had a chameleon theme

Humming bird by Sandra with a baldwins Patina

Sharon's first mask

Very Egyptian Sandra

Now this was the mask that Sharon kept hidden from me, its brilliant
with the porcupine quill through his lip.
Love it

Well all in all I think they did a grand job, well done ladies :-D

Monday, 4 June 2012